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Self Storage Tips

Self Storage Tips: Stortropolis Self-Storage

Looking for some self storage tips to get you started on the right foot? Stortropolis is your first choice for affordable storage units in Kansas City, MO and the Kansas area, and we’ve compiled a list of our top packing and storage tips to help you make the most of the space you are renting. Start your storage journey with Stortropolis today!

Self Storage Tips for Finding Space & Packing

Storage Tips

Choose Your Storage Unit 

You have many self storage options, so how do you choose a storage facility—and more specifically storage units—to house your belongings? Start by searching for self storage storage close to your home, work, business, or regular commutes. You are looking for convenience as much as you are looking for product and service.

Consider how much storage space you’ll require. Each sort of storage has benefits and drawbacks that must be considered in light of your unique demands. It’s considerably more simple to load and unload goods from a car using drive-up storage units. Indoor storage units, on the other hand, allow for greater temperature control, ensuring that your valuables are secure even if the humidity or weather changes.

Visit Stortropolis to start getting your items organized today. Stortropolis has five convenient locations available throughout the greater Kansas City area. These storage facilities have all the amenities for your needs, including climate-controlled storage units, indoor storage units, outdoor parking spaces for personal vehicles and more! Read more about our storage facility’s specific features, and use our storage calculator to figure out what size storage unit you should rent. Additionally, you can talk to any Stortropolis store manager to learn more about the storage facility’s amenities and features.

Packing and Moving

Packing Tips for Your Boxes 

1. Prep Before Packing

When storing your things, take good care of them while packing them away. Items that are fragile will require more padding to ensure their safety throughout transportation. Today, Stortropolis offices offer packing and moving supplies. Also, while you’re there, speak with our storage specialists to clarify any remaining doubts you may have before beginning to store. You can also look at our Self Storage FAQ if you want to know if your question can be answered right now! It is critical to understand the regulations and obligations before renting self-storage space.

2. General Packing Rule: Heavy on the Bottom, Light on Top

When filling your boxes and storage containers, follow these suggestions. To begin, use a foundation of big, heavy things. Smaller ones should then be added to the mix. This will prevent your boxes from breaking when subjected to pressure within and around them.

3. Clean & Cover

To ensure that your products are in great shape when you return them, clean and preserve them ahead of time. Cover things like appliances, tools, and electronics before storing them for a long time to prevent dust and dirt from accumulating. Clean away germs and water droplets beforehand to minimize damage or bad smells over time.

4. Pack Air-Tight to Keep Out Moisture & Pests

Another way to ward off damage is to pack with air-tight containers. Deter bugs and moisture-related damage from step one. Some items that would especially benefit from being packed in airtight containers include antiques, clothing, electronics, and documents.

Organizing Garage

Packing Tips for Your Storage Unit 

1. Create an Organized Layout

By organizing things, you may make your life simpler. The best way to pack your storage container is to take a step-by-step approach. Leave some empty space in the center of your storage container so that everything may be reached more quickly from all angles. Then, as part of a method to locate comparable items faster later, store belongings with similar characteristics together such as winter apparel or cooking equipment. Bring important stuff closer to the entrance for quick retrieval.

2. Utilize Your Entire Storage Space

If you’re renting storage, you’ll be paying for it, so make the most of your space. If you’re keeping a lot of stuff and require more storage, consider utilizing shelving to organize and stack higher in the room.

3. Don’t Store Perishables

What can’t you keep? Food items will deteriorate quickly, and when they do, pests will appear. It is easiest to avoid this problem by keeping perishables in your regular home or workplace storage area. You also won’t be able to store hazardous, inflammable goods or money. Check out a more complete list from

Car in Garage

Vehicle Storage Tips 

It’s simple to leave a vehicle on your property for lengthy periods of time, but it isn’t as straightforward as dropping it off and walking away. Cars of all sizes require more attention to ensure that they function properly when you need them again. If you’re going to keep it for an extended period, have the oil changed, top up the gas tank with gasoline to prevent moisture from building up, and add a fuel stabilizer. Then clean it inside and out—any muck there will just grow over time. Follow more of Edmund’s vehicle storage tips.

Looking for vehicle storage near you? Call Stortropolis Self-Storage today to learn more about convenient vehicle storage options!

Rent Storage Units at Stortropolis Self-Storage

Now that you have learned some helpful self storage tips, look to Stortropolis Self-Storage for all of your storage needs. All StorTropolis Self-Storage facilities feature amenities such as indoor temperature-controlled storage units, drive up self storage, and covered loading and unloading areas. With this function, you may unpack in any weather, and the covered loading area is large enough for the moving truck to pull into and start unloading. Call or email any of our storage facilities today, or stop by in person and chat with the team of storage experts at Stortropolis Self-Storage!